In the middle is the Težulat house. The Težulat's are one of the oldest Imotski families. This house has been renovated and added one more full floor.
Bauk house, at the right had the same hight with the houses on the left of it before it was added two more floors after the WW II.
On the left is another one of the Vrdoljak houses. Prof Pavičić came to the house via a marriage to a sister of a well known film director Anton Vrdoljak.
Vrdoljak, Bauk, i Težulat kuće
U sredini je Težulatova kuća. Težulati su jedna od najstarijih imotskih familija. Ova kuća je u renovaciji dobila jedan cijeli kat.
I Bauk kuća na desno je isto tako promjenila visinu dodavši dva kata nakon drugog svjetskog rata.
Na lijevo je još jedna Vrdoljakova kuća. Prof Pavičić je tu došao ženidbom za sestru od poznatoga režisera Antona Vrdoljaka.