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Entrance to Jezero gardens of former Dr. Mladinov estate

As a young physician dr. Josip Mladinov, a newcommer from Šolta, managed to get very rich after coming to Imotski. He has built a castle at the begining of the twentieh century that could be a landmark even in large cities. The land was purchased from an old Bilić lady.

In the walled estate he has built a barn for horses and a place for a chariot, the cars just starting to appear. In the middle there was a building with a hospital station. On the south side was his flat decorated with figures representing four seasons. The houses are all built from finely shaped white stone.

The gardens had lots of flowers, greenery, and pine trees. Just before his marrriage he got appendicitis that turned to be fatal for him. The house and the whole estate were left to the Imotski County. Everything was well preserved to this day.
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Ulaz u dvorište imanja Dr. Mladinova

Još kao relativno mlad čovjek dr. Josip Mladinov, došljak sa Šolte, je stekao bogastvo radeći kao liječnik u imotskoj krajini na početku dvadesetog stoljeća. Izgradio je dvorac kojim bi bio vrijedan spomena i u puno vecim gradovima od Imotskoga. Zemlju je kupio od stare Bilić gospodje.

U obzidanom imanju imao je štalu za konje i mjesto za kočiju. Auti su se tek tada poćeli pojavljivati. U sredini je bila zgrada sa ambulantom. Njegova primarna kuća je bila na južnoj strani, dekorirarna sa figurama koje su reprezentirale četiri sezone. Sve zgrade su napravljene od fino isklesanog bijelog kamena.

Vrtovi su imali dosta raslinja, cvijeća i borovih stabala. Taman pred samo njegovo vjenčanje dobio je upalu crijeva, i iako je otišao u Sarajavo na lijećenje nije mu bilo spasa. Cijelo imanje je bilo ostavljeno imotskoj opčini. Dobro je sačuvano do današnjega dana.
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Entrance to Dr. Mladinov's former estate
