map of Croatia is not a representative map of whole country. It
mostly covers southern part of Croatia, not even whole Dalmatia.
It also includes Medugorje, famous religious place, that is in another
state, Bosnia and Herzegovina. We just wanted to show some
interesting tourist destinations around our hometown Imotski. You
may also notice that some more famous tourist destinations are missing,
even some attractive places within our county. They are omitted
not because they are less attractive but because we did not have any
pictures from that place. This website is mainly built around our
own photographs and a certain number from our friends. We hope
that with our upcoming trips we will visit more places and bring you
more pictures. In the meantime, please enjoy the current
edition. We
will be very happy to receive e-mail from anyone who visited Croatia
(and Imotski) because of our website. Best regards,
Hrabri & Josip.