Makarska Riviera »  Viewing Makarska1     [Image 20 of 30]  :: Jump To  
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St Mary church campanelle * St Mary (Sv Marija) church campanelle * 300 x 600 * (23KB)

St Mary monastery courtyard * St Mary franciscan monastery courtyard.  The monastery, located in the very center of Makarska was founded in 1400.  It was rebuilt in 1540.  It posseses an old library, Turkish documents archive, and an art collection. * 417 x 600 * (65KB)

Sea Shell Museum * Sea Shell Museum; Malakološki muzej, is one of the Makarska attractions.  It is situated in the St Mary monastery courtyard. * 860 x 592 * (101KB)

Sunset * Tučepi sunset * 800 x 596 * (23KB)

Makarska * Makarska summer activities * 860 x 550 * (83KB)

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Makarska bay mounth * 800 x 531 * (66KB)

Makarska riva * Makarska palm-dotted riva * 800 x 531 * (107KB)

Kačić square * Kačić square with St Mark churh in the middle. * 800 x 531 * (94KB)

St Mark church * St Mark church - Crkva Svetog Marka.  In front of the church is Ivan Rendić´s statue of Andrija Kačić Miošić (1704-1760).  Kačić wrote

Makarska11 * 800 x 531 * (90KB)