Brač »  Viewing Ivan Rendić´s work     [Image 30 of 36]  :: Jump To  
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The Superar cemetery is a sculpture park, thank to Ivan Rendić (1849-1932), one of the foremost Croatian sculptors.
Church of the Annunciation * 18th century Church of the Annunciation, Supetar. It was built in 1733 and enlarged in 1887. * 449 x 600 * (49KB)

Supetar * Supetar is a located on the north coast of Brač. It started as a Nerežišče port in the 16th century. * 860 x 590 * (108KB)

Petrinović Mausoleum * Petrinović Mausoleum, built by Toma Rosandić in 1927 * 389 x 600 * (40KB)

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